Melissa Manion

Words have held power since the beginning of time. Melissa believes the gift to utilize them for good has been within her since childhood. She also recognizes the way society has the ability to manipulate words in order to cause division and confusion. Melissa is here to share stories of hope and of healing to audiences around the world in an effort to shine light in the darkness. Especially around the most contentious human rights issue of our time, Abortion.
Having gone through both an unplanned teenage pregnancy that gave Melissa her firstborn Son. Followed by another unplanned pregnancy that ended in abortion, she brings an often silenced yet intriguing lived experience to the discussion of abortion. She remembers growing up Pro Life not for religious reasons but rather the understanding that there was an innocent life being taken with no choice or voice in the matter.
Even after navigating a complicated teenage pregnancy and while raising an amazing young son, she doubted her ability to do that again, went against everything she knew to be true and ended the life of her unborn child. Without the consent of the baby's father.
For over a decade Melissa lived with shame, pain and regret vowing never to speak of what happened that day, but God had other plans. She was driving down the road one day and audibly heard the Holy Spirit say “we are going to walk through this now, and then you are going to go help others.”
From that point on Melissa has been on a journey with God to find healing and hope. She has shared her story with thousands of people in various settings and multiple platforms. Her goal through this ministry is to reach the 4 in 10 Women who have walked the path of abortion and let them know where they can find freedom and forgiveness. So they can have peace in this tragic area of their lives. She helps Women who are facing unplanned pregnancy find resources and support to make life giving instead of life taking choices. She also shares her story in an effort to educate and open eyes and hearts to the violence and trauma that abortion creates, for both Women and Men. Not an easy mission, but one she feels deeply called to.

On a Personal Note
Melissa grew up on the shores of Cape Cod. A graduate of Baypath University she has been blessed to spend most of her adult life home raising her children. Married to her Husband Jeremy in 2010 she brought two children into the union and the couple had two children of their own. The family recently welcomed the newest addition, Winifred, their Golden Retriever. Melissa also has a beautiful Daughter she named Ruth “Ruthie” Jean, waiting for her with Jesus. Of whom she dedicates all the work she now does in her honor.